Monday, April 11, 2022

Man vs. Machine

 I, Robot, Black Mirror, Transformers? What do all of these sensational pieces of media have in common? They all feature the great struggles of man vs. machine. As we get further and further into the "future" our world expands and grows. Along with that growth comes the inevitable evolution of technology. That's right. The very thing we created has already developed beyond our own minds. A simple calculator can compute numbers bigger than I can count and a Tesla can technically drive itself on the highway. Isn't that crazy?

Today for our at-home assignment we analyzed four different videos about the intimate relationship between humans and technology and where that can take us in the future. Each of the issues raised in the video (the forever existence of your online creations, how we can be traced, surveillance, and revenge porn) affect me because well, I'm human. I'm not Amish, so I use technology frequently and all of its developments will affect me at some point.  Personally, I think the government should put a kibosh on certain developments. Things like AI or harmful inventions should have restrictions but other than that the government should be the main one staying out of people's online lives. What you can and should do to protect yourself is read the terms and agreements, change your passwords, don't give out your information, and keep track of all the websites you use. 

I hope one day the machines don't take over. But in case they do be sure to start saying thank you to Siri and Alexa now. 

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