Thursday, April 28, 2022

Where I Get My News From

 News isn't something I actively seek. I find it depressing or extremely biased. Fluff pieces can also be quite a headache. So really I find news as it comes to me. I never actively look for it but when I get it, I get it from one of these sources. 

1.) Twitter: Twitter is fantastic for news. If you follow certain news organizations you can view a tweet detailing a story and if you're still interested there is usually a link to view the full story. Of course, this can lead to people creating narratives around an article but overall it isn't so bad. Twitter also has a leg up on other organizations because you can get the full story as well as people's reactions. 

2.) Vice News: Vice is great for "young people" news. Serious or trendy stories that can either be heavy-hitting or comical. They also do not have a rep for being "safe" as they will report on drug or sex news. Always good to have a zany organization in the mix. 

3.) CBS News: For all of my "adult news" needs I go to CBS. Fair and pretty unbias reporting with consistent information. During the election I found myself checking them more than any other group. When I need grown-up information I go to CBS. 

4.) TMZ: I go to TMZ for all of my gossip and celebrity news. Very scary how fast they get the information but they're always good for it. 

5.) The Weather Channel: Not traditional news, no. However, the weather channel is a constant for me since I need accurate reporting about the forecast. My entire day is ruined if bad weather hits and I didn't know about it. So far TWC has never let me down!

And that's where I get my news from! I think for a 21-year old I'm pretty well aware of the world because of these organizations!

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Where I Get My News From

 News isn't something I actively seek. I find it depressing or extremely biased. Fluff pieces can also be quite a headache. So really I ...