Saturday, March 19, 2022

Freedom of Speech Is the Best Out of The 8 Values of Free Expression

     In an obvious way freedom of speech almost seems like a no-brainer. If at birth humans are technically given the right to free will, why would freedom of speech not automatically fall in line with that? Now yes, you technically have free will but someone with more authority than you can use their free will combine with their status to penalize you for doing what you want. The same applies to freedom of speech. In some miraculous way, it took the founding of America for freedom of speech to be actualized which is insane. How could a notion so powerful take that long to become a reality? How can humans be so quick to oppress one another just based off of thought? Just the idea of punishing someone for articulating how they feel sounds so backward and nonsensical. I believe that due to how multifaceted and layered Freedom of speech is that it seems to be the most necessary yet messy of the eight values of free expression. However, just like with all supposed great things there are good and bad aspects that need to be analyzed before solidifying your opinion. 


    Starting with a positive perspective, I believe everyone across the board can agree that freedom of speech on paper is a great idea. To know that at any point I could change, persuade, or enlighten someone with my own thoughts is such a powerful concept. Communication is one of the main forms for humans to relate and connect with one another so removing or limiting that aspect of daily interactions only hurts us as a society. It would build even more divisiveness. It’s a scary world when no one knows what anyone is thinking. Open conversation can quickly lead to an exchange of new ideas that could lead to cultural evolution. Learning from one another or finding people with similar perspectives or interests is also very beautiful. I think through open dialogues so much can get accomplished, although...


    HUMANS DO NOT LIKE EACH OTHER!! It is such a huge problem and has been for centuries. It’s like at our core we’re hardwired to view everyone as competition or as a threat. So with that being said, we can now examine the negative of freedom of speech. It can be dangerous. Hateful language can be used to trigger someone or insight violence. People like to believe the old “sticks and stones” saying but words really can bring people down. Especially when you’re dealing with certain slurs that have plagued certain minority groups for hundreds of years. If you allow freedom of speech how do you deal with the evildoers that throw around words to hurt others? On the other hand, how can you prove that someone is really using their freedom of speech in a negative way if their comments aren’t recorded? Things get messy very quickly when you realize that if you let people say whatever they want things can get ugly.


    I find it fairly pointless to analyze why power holders would reject freedom of speech. Obviously, it’s to keep the people under them in control so the people with power can continue manipulating the masses. I did have to acknowledge it at least once though. Overall, freedom of speech is messy and complicated but I think with a little effort to modernize and normalize it as a practice we as a society could benefit from it even with its shortcomings. 


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